The more news and write-ups there are, the more it seems I'm an Alan Moore stan - I can't help it, he's quotable.
So often any film that comes out is going to be a sequel or a remake of a film that's previously existed — and I've said this before, that we will see Johnny Depp playing Cap'n Crunch. It will eventually get down to breakfast cereal mascots!While I'm glad he agrees with my opinion of 300, I for one expect Hollywood to embrace more Jay Ward creations. Until then, I still have to plot my escape to Universal Studios
Entertainment Weekly Q&A with Alan Moore
Then there was "An Evening With Warren Ellis" at Wizard World Chicago, where Ellis told this story,
Ellis then told a story about doing a convention in Iceland. He had a great time and they asked Ellis if he could talk Alan Moore into visiting for a show. Ellis said he took his own life into his hands and called Moore to ask him if he was interested.Moore told Ellis, "I don't really leave Northampton much. In fact, I don't really leave the house. In fact, I don't really leave the living room... and truth be told, I stay on this side of the living room. The other side of the living room is a strange and different place, and it scares me."
Oh, and the Alan Moore appearance on the Simpsons remains my favourite Simpsons' episode.
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